Helga's ever-kept Secret
Legal Stuff
Other Character Gallerys 3
Gallerys of Helga and Arnold #2
Other characters gallery 2
The Other Character gallerys
Helga Pataki's Awards for you
Gallerys of Helga and Arnold
Movie Information
Helga's lil' diary
Helga's Fanfiction
Season 1 episodes

April 15

Dear Diary,
I love Arnold, but I hate him. Do you understand that? I don't get it either. When ever I do something nice for him, I always ruin it.Whatshould I do?
Helga G. Pataki

Hi! this is my Hey Arnold! Site. Well, I like doing shrines so..... I am doing a Helga/Arnold site. I just think helga is right for Arnold. If she were to loosen up, They would be perfect.......
K... I guess my title's incorrect, in a way ^.~ I'm still keeping it, though ^_^

So I will get lots of things up.......I hope....
I think I will be moving to Geocites soon, because of better organization... ^_^

7.10.01-Got this page up, and the gallery...

7-25-I think I am doing really good at this! I got another gallery up,and awards,and fanfic........I am really enjoying this!

12-29-I'm sorry I haven't kept much record of this....I updated I love you guys!:-)
8-4-2003- Aaa! I remember now... I have a site. Guess who did a Helga and Arnold search today?? And guess who`s site came up #2 on MSN?? **dies** Updating now!

You can't be Cecil....
Ever Been Caught Up like this?

"Then who the heck are you?"- What Arnold's thinking...


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